Multiverse Blog

Karin Hauck
/ Categories: In-Focus

Subscribe to the Opps For B.A.T.S. Newsletter!

cartoon of teen batsOur Bay Area Teen Science (B.A.T.S.) program aims to provide San Francisco Bay Area teenagers with the most up-to-date information available on current STEM learning and career building opportunities. Some of the best science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs, internships, and events for teenagers in the country are in the Bay Area, including many that are completely free for participants. Yet, far too often large numbers of local teens remain unaware of them, or find out about them too late. But through the B.A.T.S. network of STEM education providers and other connections, we’re in a position to alert Bay Area teens to these opportunities as soon as they are announced. In fact, for years now, these "breaking news" alerts have been regularly posted on our Facebook page and home page. However, a survey of almost 700 Bay Area teenagers made it clear that teens would prefer to get such information through email, and so we responded with the Opps For B.A.T.S. newsletter!

The new Opps For B.A.T.S. newsletter goes out about two to three times each month, and each regular issue usually lists around three to four recently announced STEM opportunities for Bay Area teens with brief, to-the-point details on what the opportunity offers and the all-important direct links on how to get more information and participate. Occasionally we will also release a special issue if we learn about a great last minute STEM opportunity with a fast approaching registration or application deadline.

If you are a Bay Area teen (or know of one) who wants to start receiving the Opps For B.A.T.S. newsletter, click here and enter your email address to subscribe. The only information required from you to receive the newsletter is your email address. We will NEVER ask for your name or any other personal information. Plus, you can rest assured we will never share your email address with anyone nor send you any other information besides the newsletter. To review our archive of past issues to date, visit  For questions about our newsletter, please contact:

B.A.T.S. is a core initiative of Multiverse, and began in 2011 when we sought other teen programs to partner with for a nighttime, STEM-themed event run by teenagers for teenagers. This led to the California Academy of Sciences’ first annual youth-hosted Teen Science Night that now attracts almost 2,000 Bay Area teens to the museum each August. B.A.T.S. also hosts an annual Teen Career Conference in partnership with the San Francisco Zoo and others. To learn more about B.A.T.S., visit

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