Alessandra Pacinireplied to: RE: Colors in Aurora

Hi there! The different colors seen in the beautiful Auroras are related to the different atmospheric gases that are being excited by the energetic p...


Alessandra Pacinireplied to: RE: Seeing the aurora (Northern Lights)

Hi, there! Since I was a little child in Brazil, I had this dream: see the precious Auroras! It was only when I moved to Finland (to perform my P...


Alessandra Pacinireplied to: RE: sun and global warming

Hi, as KD said, the output from the Sun does vary (according to the solar activity). The total amount of solar energy deposited on the Earth can also ...


Alessandra Pacinireplied to: RE: Sports

As a good Brazilian that I am, my favorite sport is futebol (or soccer, for Americans). :)


Alessandra Pacinireplied to: RE: Eclipses

Hi! I believe we call it "transit" of the planet (from the Earth, we can see the transit of Mercury and Venus only, of course!) :) Take a look on this...


Alessandra Pacinireplied to: RE: sun/stars black hole

Hi, Alexis. The black holes are little start very, very dense, with a huge gravitational field that is so strong that pulls even electromagnetic waves...


Alessandra Pacinireplied to: RE: ham radio

Hi Viola, I'm studying for the first exam to became a HAM radio, I think it is awesome! There are many Ham radio scientists around! The HamSCI team ...


Alessandra Pacinireplied to: RE: solar power

Hi Serena, I moved recently to Puerto Rico (last year, just after the solar eclipse), where I'm working at the Arecibo Observatory. The first thing we...


Alessandra Pacinireplied to: RE: eclipse

Hi Erin! I did, I did! I took all of my family to South Carolina last August, installed a passive radio antena* at the backyard of our dear cousin who...


Alessandra Pacinireplied to: RE: solar storm

Hi Heny! Yes, the solar activity produces effects much further than the solar system. It drives changes inside a region called Heliosphere, which is ...


Alessandra Pacinireplied to: RE: sunspots

Hi, Vicki! The first registers of sunspots were made by the Chineses more than 3 thousands years ago. But only in 1843, somebody (the German Heinrich...


Alessandra Pacinireplied to: RE: most interesting fact

Hi Sylvie! In my opinion, everything related to the solar magnetic activity facinates me! *The way the active regions are created, how they devel...


Alessandra Pacinireplied to: RE: atmosphere

Hi Shawn, in 1731, a french philosopher called Jean-Jacques Dortous de Mairan realized that the occurrence of Auroras Borealis was correlated to the ...


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