
Although Multiverse is based at the University of California, Berkeley, we do not receive any funding from the University. Instead, we’re fueled by the generous and visionary support of people like you—people who believe in our mission to increase diversity in science and science education. We seek to connect with people's sense of wonder and to facilitate personal ties to science and the learning process, and we envision a world where people can bring the whole of themselves to science and learning science.


Give Online
Give online to Multiverse (formerly the Center for Science Education) using your credit card. This link will take you to the Multiverse donation page on the “Give to Cal” website.

Your donations will support one of the following Multiverse program areas:

  1. Undergraduate Research and Science Education Experiences at the Space Sciences Laboratory, focused on under-represented students in science.
  2. Ongoing teacher professional development in Earth and Space Science connected to Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards.
  3. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) internships and after-school experiences for under-represented high school students in science.
  4. Cultural science education professional development for educators in out-of-school-time settings (such as afterschool programs).

Mail Us a Check
Donations should be made payable to UC REGENTS and be mailed directly to:

Attn: Matthew O. Fillingim
University of California, Berkeley 
7 Gauss Way, MC 7450
Berkeley, CA 94720-7450

Our Federal Tax ID number is 946002123.

Be sure to include your name and address so that we can thank you, and send you a receipt for tax purposes.

Give Us a Call
Contact Matt Fillingim at 510-643-8485 or email him at  He is happy to help you make a donation or to discuss funding opportunities with you.

Teachers, community members, teens, and students all benefit from your donation.

Multiverse skin is based on Greytness by Adammer