Multiverse Blog

Fond Remembrances of My Days with Multiverse

Karin Hauck

young woman holding up structure

[Today's Multiverse Guest Blogger is Carmen Zheng, one of our former Surfin’ the Solar Wind high school interns, who grew up in Oakland and who is now—to our delight—an astronomy major at Cal. "On hot summer nights, we sat on the roof of my house, pretending we could see Pluto through our little telescope and pretending none of our problems existed."]

 On May 20, 2012, I was sitting in the back of a crowded minivan, basking in the cool breeze of the air conditioning and gazing out the window as the flashing city lights of Reno, Nevada whizzed by. Although glamorous hotels, slot machines, and neat souvenir shops basically surrounded our car, I was not looking at the streets – I was looking at the sky. May 20th was the date of an annular solar eclipse. We were headed to the small town of Nixon, Nevada, about an hour outside of Reno, where we would be directly underneath the passing of the moon between Earth and Sun. 


Guest Blogger: From a Third-Grade Teacher

Karin Hauck

boy with solar glasses

[Today's guest blogger is Meghan Campbell, a third-grade teacher who took our "Energy from the Sun" workshop -- with positive effects in her classroom!]
Meghan: After three days spent participating in the “Energy from the Sun” teacher workshop, I promised myself that I would work science, particularly solar science, into my classroom on a regular basis. I have seen firsthand how easy it is for things to fizzle out or be forgotten, but I did not want that to happen with all of my newly acquired activities that align perfectly with the third grade standards. From the start of the school year, I was sure to schedule science in at least once a week. 

Cal Day at the Space Sciences Lab!

Karin Hauck

Join us for Cal Day, Saturday, April 12th, from 11am-5pm, the one day each year that UC Berkeley's Space Sciences Lab opens its doors to the public. Shuttles will be transporting the public every 20 minutes from Hearst Mining Circle on campus to SSL.  Activities include walking tours of UC Berkeley’s cutting-edge space science research lab, as well as talks on topics such the upcoming lunar eclipse, a career panel on cool jobs at the lab, and hands-on activities for all ages! 

B.A.T.S. Takes Flight Thanks to Grant from Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund!

Dan Zevin
No, that’s not a grammatical error in the title. B.A.T.S. stands for Bay Area Teen Science, an active and united group of Bay Area youth and youth science program providers that are working together to provide safe, fun, and social science learning and career building events for Bay Area teens. Through a generous grant from the Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund, B.A.T.S. is taking flight in 2013 with youth-driven Teen Science Nights, Science Career Fairs, Community Star Parties, Program Exchanges, and Social Media Discussions on a variety of science, technology, and engineering topics.
Multiverse skin is based on Greytness by Adammer