Multiverse Blog

Eclipse Road Trip, Leg 2: Feb. 21-24, 2017

Karin Hauck

We are coming to South and North Carolina to talk about the August 21st, 2017 total solar eclipse!

ROADTRIP - Follow Multiverse on our second “leg” through South and North Carolina as we travel the end of the path of totality over the US February 21-24, 2017 to raise awareness in local communities about many eclipse opportunities and educational resources, including our Eclipse Megamovie project. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook. You can also follow Dr. Laura Peticolas and Darlene Yan on their personal Twitter accounts. Their opinions are their own and do not reflect the views of Multiverse or University of California, Berkeley.
ECLIPSE MEGAMOVIE PROJECT - Through its Making & Science initiative, Google will be working with Multiverse on the Eclipse Megamovie project, as well as working with educators and nonprofits around the country.

Webinar Series: Interpreting the Great American Total Solar Eclipse

Karin Hauck
Eclipse 2017 logo For the first time in over a century,  a total solar eclipse will be visible over the entire United States, August 21, 2017. To help you prepare for the many thousands of additional visitors expected at public sites, please join any or all of our Eclipse 2017 webinars, developed and presented by Earth to Sky and NASA Heliophysics Educator Consortium.

About the Webinars
Through interactive sessions, the Earth to Sky Interpreting the Eclipse webinar series will provide opportunities for interpreters and other informal educators to learn from NASA experts about the science and mechanics of a total solar eclipse.

The Clock is Ticking! (Fri July 1st 9:00am pst)

Karin Hauck

Support “Full Spectrum,” a film project to create a new social image of who scientists are and who can be scientists. 

Support this great documentary film project by our very own Bryan Mendez! There are only 6 days left in Seed & Spark’s Untold Story Crowdfunding Rally and we need as many followers and pledges to come on board as possible in these final days! We need $9k to be pledged in order to get ANY money at all to kick start this project, and we need at least 500 followers to make it to the next round of competition – only the top 10 films with the highest followers advance to the next round with possibility of matching funds from Project Greenlight.

MAVEN Video Wins People's Choice in Data Stories

Karin Hauck

A video about Martian atmosphere loss has won a people's choice competition held by Science magazine. The video, "Martian Atmosphere Loss Explained by NASA,"  was part of the prestigious magazine's Data Stories competition. These videos could be in the fields of planetary science, oceanography, meteorology, neuroscience, criminology, and many others. The video was enthusiastically supported by our MAVEN Educator Ambassadors (MEAs)! The MEAs are a group of master teachers of grades 6-12, members of a community of practice we've built around the science of the MAVEN mission.


MAVEN Educator Ambassador Workshop - NASA Goddard - August 2015

Karin Hauck

[Today we link to a fun and picture-filled blog entry from teacher Danielle Miller, who spent a week at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center participating in our professional development workshop with other "educator ambassadors" around  the topic of the planet Mars and its mysterious loss of atmosphere.]

smiling woman pointing up at screen behind her

...studying the atmosphere of Mars is like "watching the last 5 minutes of a movie and trying to figure out from that what happened in the first 5 minutes."

I recently participated in some awesome professional development to become a Mars MAVEN Educator Ambassador. MAVEN is an acronym—of course it is, it's NASA—for  Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN mission, so I'm just going to call it MAVEN from here on out. It's not a rover, it's an orbiter and it doesn't have cameras so it's not quite as high profile as some other Mars missions *cough* Curiosity *cough* but it is really super cool.

The MAVEN Educator Ambassador workshop was a week in Greenbelt, Maryland - the home of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center—with some of the most amazing, inspiring, smart educators I've ever met. There are many times that I think that the best part of teacher workshops is meeting all of the other teachers... and this one was no exception.

Read more and see photos at Danielle's blog

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