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Last Post 10/24/2008 8:25 AM by  Mitzi Adams
Jupiters Red Spot
 2 Replies
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10/21/2008 5:43 AM

    Cynthia A

    Could the Sun play a role of some kind in affecting this storm like the Sun heats the oceans during hurricane season?

    Tags: Jupiter, Great Red Spot

    Kris Sigsbee

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    10/21/2008 7:48 AM

    Hi Cynthia,

    That is a very interesting question!

    Scientists do not know exactly what caused Jupiter's Great Red Spot to form, or why it is red. However, it appears that ultraviolet radiation may be responsible for the reddish color of this storm. One theory is that the storm carries compounds from deep within Jupiter's atmosphere up to the surface where ultraviolet radiation from the Sun causes a chemical reaction that produces the red color of this storm. New storms are forming on Jupiter all of the time!

    You can learn more here:



    Mitzi Adams

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    10/24/2008 8:25 AM


    On the global scale of things, yes, since the Sun does supply heat to Jupiter. But when hurricanes develop on Earth, it's because the waters over which they form, heat up -- and there is no liquid water on Jupiter. There are still many unanswered questions about the The Great Red Spot, but scientists know that the top of the spot is cold and that it stays in place, at least partly, because of the higher and lower latitude bands surrounding it. Scientists have actually seen other spots form as a result of interactions of these bands of clouds, but none have been as long-lived or as large as the Red Spot.
