Solar Week - Ask a Question

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3 Replies and 1849 Views Being a scientist �1849 �3 Started by Anonymous &91;email&93; Are there things you don't like about being a scientist
3 1849
by Kris SigsbeeJump to last post
10/16/2020 1:11 PM
3 Replies and 1628 Views Role models �1628 �3 Started by Brittani What scientists do you admire
3 1628
by Kris SigsbeeJump to last post
10/16/2020 12:32 PM
2 Replies and 1404 Views Funniest story �1404 �2 Started by Nicole Hi Scientists, What is the funniest thing that's ever happened to you in your career Thank you ! Nicole
2 1404
by Kris SigsbeeJump to last post
10/16/2020 12:11 PM
3 Replies and 1496 Views Problem solving �1496 �3 Started by Yazan Greetings, What is a problem you've solved in your scientific research
3 1496
by Kris SigsbeeJump to last post
10/16/2020 11:54 AM
1 Replies and 1365 Views Have you ever been wrong? �1365 �1 Started by Tammy As a scientist, have you ever been wrong about something Or changed your ideas about it
1 1365
by Claire RafteryJump to last post
10/16/2020 9:51 AM
1 Replies and 1398 Views Advice to younger self? �1398 �1 Started by Angie If you had advice to give to your younger self, what would it be Angie, 7th grade AMS
1 1398
by Claire RafteryJump to last post
10/16/2020 9:48 AM
2 Replies and 1434 Views Work question �1434 �2 Started by Ariela Dear scientists What do you find most exciting about your work
2 1434
by Kris SigsbeeJump to last post
10/16/2020 9:35 AM
2 Replies and 1583 Views covid-19 challenges �1583 �2 Started by Darcey How has covid-19 affected your life at work (or at home) Has it made things more challenging
2 1583
by Kris SigsbeeJump to last post
10/16/2020 9:17 AM
4 Replies and 1512 Views Research on space �1512 �4 Started by Anonymous Did you build or work on an instrument, which is now used in space
4 1512
by Kris SigsbeeJump to last post
10/16/2020 8:54 AM
2 Replies and 1453 Views unexpected outcome �1453 �2 Started by Anonymous &91;email&93; In your work, have you ever had an outcome that was unexpected (good or bad)
2 1453
by Sabrina SavageJump to last post
10/14/2020 7:50 AM
1 Replies and 1362 Views NASA goes to the sun �1362 �1 Started by Nicole &91;email&93; Hi, do any of you work on NASA missions that go to the sun
1 1362
by Christina CohenJump to last post
10/13/2020 11:20 AM
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