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Last Post 10/17/2016 10:40 AM by  Paulett Liewer
 1 Replies
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stacy l


10/17/2016 8:03 AM
    how come solar eclipses dont happen very much in the usa?

    Paulett Liewer

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    10/17/2016 10:40 AM
    A total solar eclipse requires that the moon exactly line up with the Sun from the viewpoint of the observer on Earth . In addition, the moon has to be at its closest point to Earth in its orbit around Earth when it looks the biggest. These two conditions are met very often ANYWHERE on Earth. Basically, you need to be standing in the shadow that the moon casts on Earth when the moon is at its closes point to Earth.

    Do you know that next August there will be a total solar eclipse with a viewing path sweeping across the US. You can see a map of the eclipse path at the web site http://eclipse2017.nasa.gov/eclipse-101.

    A total solar eclipse is an amazing event! I hope you can get into the shadow of the moon and experience it! You will see a spectacular crown called the corona surrounding the black-out Sun. But make sure you get special glasses. You can ruin your eyes looking directly at the Sun!

