Solar Week - Ask a Question

Come here during Solar Week (next one: March 22-26, 2021) to interact. To post a question, click on your area of interest from the topics below, and then click on the "Ask New Question" button. Or EMAIL or tweet or plant in Answer Garden your question about the Sun or life as a scientist to us -- and watch for it to appear here.  You can also visit our FAQs (frequently asked questions). In between Solar Weeks in October and March, you can view all the archives here.

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1 Replies and 4940 Views Sun Spots �4940 �1 Started by Anonymous Why does the sun have sun spots
1 4940
by Terry KuceraJump to last post
10/27/2014 12:15 PM
1 Replies and 3191 Views Sun's Weight �3191 �1 Started by Anonymous How much does the sun weigh
1 3191
by Kris SigsbeeJump to last post
3/24/2014 10:43 AM
1 Replies and 3210 Views Sun's Temperature �3210 �1 Started by Anonymous Do temperatures inside and out of the sun fluctuate(going from very hot to colder than it was)
1 3210
by Lindsay GlesenerJump to last post
3/21/2014 9:40 AM
3 Replies and 3493 Views Solar Questions �3493 �3 Started by Anonymous When, if, and how do you think humans will reach the sun Is it possible to provide solar energy easily in colder climates, such as Alaska --Allie and Talia
3 3493
by Kelly LarsonJump to last post
3/20/2014 2:32 PM
3 Replies and 3998 Views Sun missions? �3998 �3 Started by Anonymous veronica aIs there any other missions planned to study the sun inthe future other than the ones we have currently
3 3998
by Lindsay GlesenerJump to last post
3/19/2014 11:56 AM
1 Replies and 3046 Views Sun �3046 �1 Started by Anonymous Emilia (Titan) Is the sun larger than all of the planets in our solar system combined
1 3046
by Lindsay GlesenerJump to last post
3/17/2014 9:02 AM
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