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1 Replies and 3374 Views PLANETS/TERROR FORMER �3374 �1 Started by Anonymous Is N.A.S.A. thinking of making a Terror Former BY Chris Burgos
1 3374
by Kris SigsbeeJump to last post
3/20/2012 8:14 AM
1 Replies and 2657 Views Shadows �2657 �1 Started by Anonymous If a man were to be standing on the surface of the earth, and there was nothing obstructing the sun and moon from his view (trees, mountains, etc.), and he was the midpoint of the sun and the moon, would the sun cast a shadow of him on the moon
1 2657
by Claire RafteryJump to last post
3/19/2012 3:00 PM
2 Replies and 2859 Views Hubble Universe Images �2859 �2 Started by Anonymous Dear Scientists, I am a student at the Academy of Aerospace and Engineering here in Bloomfield, CT. I was wondering how the Hubble satellite produced the now famous image of the entire universe, even though the point of image capture is far over 30,000 light years away. How is this possible Thank You Very Much, Spencer
2 2859
by Paulett LiewerJump to last post
3/19/2012 12:53 PM
1 Replies and 2230 Views Star's size �2230 �1 Started by Anonymous Hi my name is Tina A,13 from Aerospace and Engineering. I was wondering why stars appear small from our view but in space they are huge. If they were that huge wouldn't they appear visable during the daytime
1 2230
by Emilia KilpuaJump to last post
3/19/2012 11:38 AM
1 Replies and 2376 Views sun space suits �2376 �1 Started by Anonymous Hello my name is Michael and I have a question about if we ever went to the sun, How might the suit work in order to survive
1 2376
by Kris SigsbeeJump to last post
3/19/2012 11:13 AM
1 Replies and 2774 Views pictures of the sun �2774 �1 Started by Anonymous how do you get pictures of the sun so close up without burning up or over heating
1 2774
by Claire RafteryJump to last post
3/19/2012 9:27 AM
1 Replies and 2700 Views pictures from a distance �2700 �1 Started by Anonymous how do scientists get pictures of the galaxy from so far away
1 2700
by Randi LudwigJump to last post
3/19/2012 8:57 AM
1 Replies and 3354 Views traveling to the sun? �3354 �1 Started by Anonymous So how come we don't send astronauts to the sun We've had them walk on the moon so we're advanced enough to walk on the sun. know it's hot and all, but we could go during winter or at night when the sun is all silvery and filled with craters. Please get back to me soon! I would love to see americans put a flag on the sun!
1 3354
by Kris SigsbeeJump to last post
3/19/2012 8:52 AM
1 Replies and 2307 Views Stars / Solar Systems �2307 �1 Started by Anonymous From, Rebecca R, How are discoveries being made about planets around other stars
1 2307
by Irina MarinovaJump to last post
3/19/2012 8:19 AM
1 Replies and 2480 Views Black Holes �2480 �1 Started by Anonymous Hi. My name is Sahar and I wanted to ask if you knew exactly how far away the closest black hole to earth is. If you can't give an exact number,an estimate would be fine.
1 2480
by Paulett LiewerJump to last post
3/19/2012 8:06 AM
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