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Last Post 3/17/2008 9:54 AM by  Solar Mike
 1 Replies
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3/17/2008 9:08 AM

    Janet (LM)

    How does the cost of solar energy compare to that of regular electric use, and how much could you save over ayear's time? thanks

    Solar Mike

    New Member

    New Member

    3/17/2008 9:54 AM

    Hi Janet,

    Electric rates are different all over the country. In some places people pay $.08 per kWh for electricity, and in other places the price may be over $.40 per kWh. I've read that the cost for solar electricity is about $.22 per kWh. Where I live in CA, electric rates are toward the higher end, especially in homes using a lot of electricity. I speak with many people who have electric bills over $250/month. It is possible to generate all your electric costs with solar. For example, at my home, my electric bill last year was about $13, for the whole year!
