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Last Post 3/19/2008 5:19 PM by  Peter Harvey
solar eclipse
 1 Replies
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3/19/2008 12:31 PM
    Erin (LM) How come during a total solar eclipse, when we see a black disk the (moon), and the sun's outer atmosphere around it, why don't we see any portion of the moon's surface from earthshine?

    Peter Harvey

    New Member

    New Member

    3/19/2008 5:19 PM

    Erin -

    That's a very interesting question. During the eclipse, the corona is still

    rather bright. The earth reflects about 30% (called its albedo) and then the

    moon probably reflects about 30% as well. So one might expect that 10%

    of the light to reflect back, except that the light would be spread over the

    entire lunar surface. That would make it difficult to see with the corona so

    much brighter.

    - Peter
