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Last Post 3/19/2008 2:54 PM by  Terry Kucera
evolvation of the sun
 1 Replies
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3/19/2008 9:04 AM

    what will happen to the earth when the sun goes through other stages like Plantary nebula and Remnant

    dylan b FWMS

    Terry Kucera

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    3/19/2008 2:54 PM

    Hi Dylan,

    There is a real chance that Earth will be burned up before that when the Sun is in its Red Giant phase in about 7 billion years. Different models predict different things, but the Sun may get large enough to extend to the location of the Earth. In that case there won't be an Earth during the planetary nebula and remnant (white dwarf) stage. If the Earth does make it that long it will be in pretty sad shape. The planetary nebula might cause problems, but I think it will be a dead, rocky world at that point anyway, eventually cooling as the Sun cools.

