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Last Post 3/19/2008 3:41 PM by  Laura Peticolas
Sun's Layers
 1 Replies
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3/19/2008 8:16 AM

    could there possibly be more layers in the sun then we think there are? Emily S (FWMS)

    Laura Peticolas

    New Member

    New Member

    3/19/2008 3:41 PM

    Hi Emily,

    The short answer is "yes!" The longer answer is that we determine the layers in the Sun by certain physical properties and so if you decide to look at the Sun with some new measurements, it may be that these boundaries between layers will move up and down. For example, when we look at the Sun in different colors of light, or wavelengths, we see different layers of the Sun. But if we study the Sun's magnetic fields, then some of these layers will change. Probably the most difficult layers to determine are the ones inside the photosphere because we cannot "see" into the Sun past the photosphere. This is why we call the Photosphere the surface of the Sun even though it isn't at all a hard surface - it is still a gas.

