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Last Post 3/2/2007 7:22 AM by  KD Leka
Meteor NZ
 1 Replies
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3/1/2007 3:51 PM
    If a meteor you know of is of the right mass and size that it could survive the atomaspher of Earth and cause a huge impact. Do you have a plan that could protect us from such a threat? (In the movies they have giant lazers that blow up the meteor but were not in the age of tec. yet).

    KD Leka

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    3/2/2007 7:22 AM
    Hi -- I know various scientists are working on such plans, and generally they involve trying to change the object's orbit way, way, way before the thing gets close to us so that it'd miss us instead. That's about all I know. However, you might find some interesting information at http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/neo/
