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Last Post 3/2/2007 10:50 AM by  Kris Sigsbee
A scientist at work
 1 Replies
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3/2/2007 6:51 AM

    I thought of a scientist drinking a huge cup of coffee and staring at the sky through a telascope all night then wrighting in a book about a star.

    Kris Sigsbee

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    3/2/2007 10:50 AM
    Hello, While they are at work, some scientists might drink a huge cup of coffee, stare at the sky through a telescope all night, and then write things down in a journal about a star. However, most of the scientists I know here at the University of Iowa usually work in an office on a computer during the day, and then go home at night to spend time with their families and sleep. Coffee is optional! I don't really like coffee that much, so I'd rather have a diet soda or a nice cup of tea. One of the advantages of working with satellite data, like I usually do, is that the satellite is recording data all of the time and transmitting the information back to Earth. The satellite data are then stored on a computer, so I can look at the data whenever I want from my computer at work or even from my laptop at home. I don't normally have to stay up all night to do my research or watch the data as they are transmitted by the satellite. I also don't usually write things down in a notebook or a journal, although some scientists do. I prefer to either type my notes on a laptop or write down ideas and make sketches on a notepad. If I write on a notepad, I will usually organize my notes in a 3-ring binder or type them up on the computer later. Depending on what sort of research they do, scientists work in a lot of different environments. Scientists also have different preferences about how to organize our work and some flexibility in our schedules. Kris
