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Last Post 10/6/2006 9:19 AM by  Mandy Hagenaar
Pluto needs to be a planet
 1 Replies
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10/6/2006 5:57 AM

    Hey,I was just wondering what is required for a planet to be a planet? What made you make Pluto a dwarf planet? It has always been a planet along with the others so why the sudden change? I think that Pluto should stay a normal planet because taking it out is now changing everything that we have learned in school about the planets. Pluto was my favorite planet and now its not one anymore.

    Mandy Hagenaar

    New Member

    New Member

    10/6/2006 9:19 AM
    The reason scientists decided Pluto was different is not only its size, but also its orbit around the Sun.: while all other planets loop nice and orderly in a circle around the Sun, Pluto has an eccentric orbit, see

    For me Pluto will always be a planet, even though it is the underdog.
