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Last Post 10/3/2006 2:11 PM by  Terry Kucera
The sun
 1 Replies
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10/3/2006 8:14 AM

    Hi scientist,

    I have a big important question for you.

    How cold are the suns cold spots?Im just wondreing because I thought about it and just wondered.Please answer my question because Im a student willing to learn.

    From, a student who would love to be some sort of a scientist


    Terry Kucera

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    10/3/2006 2:11 PM

    Sunspots can get as cold as 3,400 degrees Kelvin, which is about 5,660 degrees F. That sounds pretty hot, but is it less than the temeprature of the rest of the sun's surface, which is about 10,000 F!

    Sunspots are cool enough that there is actually water in them - not liquid water, but super hot steam.

    Here is some more information on sunspots:

    good luck,
