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Last Post 10/5/2006 10:31 AM by  Kris Sigsbee
Hey smart scients people!
 1 Replies
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10/5/2006 6:25 AM

    Hey smart people! What is it like to be really smart? What is your job like? Do you have time for your family and friends? I wanna know because if i get reallly smart all of a suddon I need to kno.

    thanks Lorisa

    Kris Sigsbee

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    10/5/2006 10:31 AM

    Hi Lorisa,

    I don't really think of myself as being exceptionally smart or a genius. I generally earned good grades in school, but even I struggled with certain courses. I still occasionally have difficulties when I am learning something new at work. I've found that when I have difficulties learning a new concept or technique, it helps to find someone who can explain things to me in terms I understand. It also is important for me to ask lots of questions - even if I think they might sound silly. Asking a questions really helps me learn, and sometimes a "silly" question can actually lead to something quite interesting!

    Being a scientist is hard work, and sometimes I don't have as much time for family and friends as I would like. I grew up in a small town, where there were not many opportunities for someone who wanted to study space science. I had to move away from my hometown to go to school and find a job. However, I visit my relatives whenever I can, and we keep in touch through phone calls and e-mail. I also have made lots of new friends where I work and at conferences. As a scientist, I am part of an international community, so I have friends from all over the world, as well as friends in the town where I live now.

