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Last Post 3/7/2006 10:06 AM by  Mandy Hagenaar
 2 Replies
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Jim Stryder

Basic Member

Basic Member

3/6/2006 7:14 PM
    Good Morning Ladies,

    This question come's from Cheyenne Hector. She was featured in the Soho program's Sunworks Art Contest.

    She cannot get access to the Net from home currently due to a hardware issue, and has been out not feeling well. She's 10 years old, and an fifth grade. You can see her art work at;

    http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/sunworks (listed in "Hall-Of-Fame", Nov. 2005 Winners)!

    Here's her question;

    Do any of the scientists like to do art, like drawing, painting?

    Kris Sigsbee

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    3/7/2006 8:39 AM

    Hi Cheyenne!

    I definitely like art! When I was a kid, I took classes in ceramics and weaving at a museum in my town. In college, I took many courses in art history and archaeology. I am very interested in Greek and Roman art, the art of ancient Egypt, and how the art and architecture of the ancient world influenced the Renaissance. Art history classes were a lot of fun, since we took field trips to museums to do our homework. When I travel for scientific conferences, I try to find the time to visit different museums. On a trip to England, I had time to visit the British Museum in London, which has an enormous collection of art from Egypt and some pretty cool mummies. When I went to a conference in Nice, France, I visited a museum dedicated to the famous artist Matisse.

    I recently starting learning how to make stained glass windows and Tiffany lamps, since doing something creative and artistic is a nice break from thinking about science all day. I have also taken classes in fused glass, in which we used a kiln to melt pieces of different colored glass and metal together to make jewelry.

    Judging by your entry in the Sunworks Art Contest, you are quite the young artist yourself! If you enjoy both art and astronomy and space science, you might want to consider a career as a NASA graphics artist. Here is a link an article about some of the graphic artists who work for NASA: http://www.nasa.gov/visio...fe/nasa_artists.html . And here is a link to an article that tells about what one artist does at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory: http://www.nasa.gov/visio...eatures/make_3D.html .


    Mandy Hagenaar

    New Member

    New Member

    3/7/2006 10:06 AM
    In the past I've been to all kinds of art classes, and tried drawing, etching, pastels, painting with acrylic or oil.
    I am very happy I have experienced all those things. I can't do them anymore due to illness, but my husband paints.

