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Last Post 10/15/2020 10:42 AM by  Terry Kucera
Winter sun
 1 Replies
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10/14/2020 11:24 AM
    Why is the sun cold in winter?

    Terry Kucera

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    10/15/2020 10:42 AM
    This a big questions that seems like it might be related to
    changes in the Sun but is really about the way the Earth is tilted
    towards or away from the Sun at different times of year. The Sun itself
    is the same all year round, but Earth is tipped so that in, for
    instance, January the northern part of the Earth is pointed a bit away from
    the Sun, which makes days shorter and colder, while the southern part
    of the Earth is tipped a bit towards the sun, making days there longer and
    hotter. The reverse happens in July. Thus winter in the North America
    is summer in Australia and vice versa.

    It helps to look at pictures. See this web site:


