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Last Post 10/22/2019 9:09 AM by  Sabrina Savage
Absolute zero in solar system
 1 Replies
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10/21/2019 6:36 AM

    Is there anywhere in the solar system where the temperature equals absolute zero?

    Thank you.


    Sabrina Savage

    New Member

    New Member

    10/22/2019 9:09 AM
    No. Even at the outer edges of the solar system there is enough radiation pressure to keep things well above absolute zero. Indeed, you would be hard pressed to find anything in the universe above absolute zero temperatures. Because of the residual heat from the Big Bang, we are bathed by the cosmic microwave background, which is 2.7 Kelvin (0 Kelvin = absolute zero). Objects like the Boomerang Nebula (~1 Kelvin) are exceptions due to its rapid expansion.
