Solar Week - Ask a Question

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1 Replies and 2600 Views Being a scientist �2600 �1 Started by Jennifer How does a space scientist work 'out in the field' It's not like going outside and looking at the ocean or a bug or a forest. Everything is at a distance. Jen
1 2600
by Terry KuceraJump to last post
10/25/2019 7:40 AM
1 Replies and 1867 Views women in solar science �1867 �1 Started by BVH &91;email&93; I would want to ask a solar scientist who's a woman what she loves about her job, does she experience sexism, what inspired her to go into that field and who were her mentors and what kind of encouragement they gave her. Also what advice would she give to girls who are interested in space science. Thanks in advance, BVH
1 1867
by Mitzi AdamsJump to last post
10/25/2019 5:50 AM
3 Replies and 2312 Views 2 scientist marriage �2312 �3 Started by Marie (LHS) What if your 'significant other' also wants to become a scientist Do you think would make starting out harder or easier How would it be later
3 2312
by Kelly LarsonJump to last post
10/24/2019 8:58 AM
1 Replies and 1928 Views Why study the sun? �1928 �1 Started by PN Hi solar scientists, What was your primary motivation to pursue solar science Thanks, PN
1 1928
by Mitzi AdamsJump to last post
10/24/2019 8:57 AM
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