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Last Post 10/27/2017 9:36 AM by  Terry Kucera
life elsewhere
 1 Replies
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cathy a


10/27/2017 8:29 AM
    Do any of you believe life exists elsewhere outside our own solar system?

    Terry Kucera

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    10/27/2017 9:36 AM
    Hi Cathy,

    It seems to me very likely that there is life elsewhere - there are so many other stars and planets out there that it seems like it must exist other places than here even if it turns out to not be so common.

    I want to get proof, though, and I want to know what it is like. If we actually discover it and can study it it will be an amazing thing - we'd probably learn about all sorts of things we have never even considered - it is hard to really understand something when you only have one example (in this case life on Earth) to consider.

