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Last Post 10/31/2014 5:46 AM by  Terry Kucera
star - supernova
 1 Replies
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10/30/2014 3:34 PM

    tammy p

    Do all stars go through the same process of doing a supernova at the end of their lives? thank you

    Tags: supernova

    Terry Kucera

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    10/31/2014 5:46 AM

    Hi Tammy,

    It depends on the mass of the star. Only relatively large stars, significantly more massive than the sun, blow up in supernovas

    Our star, the sun, is not expected to become a supernova. When the sun runs out of fuel in its core (in a few billion years) we expect to expend out into a red giant star and then lose its outer atmosphere leaving behind a small, hot, white dwarf star. That is a pretty dramatic change, but it is slower than what happens in a supernova.

    You can read more about supernovas and the lives of stars here:




