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Last Post 10/18/2012 9:19 AM by  Kris Sigsbee
apollo 18
 1 Replies
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10/17/2012 4:14 PM
    is it really true that the only reason we didnt go back to the moon was because of applolo 18
    Tags: Lunar Exploration, Apollo Missions

    Kris Sigsbee

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    10/18/2012 9:19 AM


    I'm not quite sure what you mean here by "Apollo 18." I think you might be referring to a science fiction/horror film released in 2011 called "Apollo 18." This film is a total work of fiction and is not based upon real events at all. This film was shot in a format to make it look like it was using lost video found from a "real" Moon mission, but none of the footage in it is actually real. There have been several horror films that have used this style of filmmaking, such as "The Blair Witch Project," "Paranormal Activity," and "Cloverfield." Filmmakers call this the "found-footage" style. Wikipedia has a list of other films made in this format:


    This style of film can be cheaper to make than other types of horror films and is meant to give the illusion of what it would be like to actually experience the events in the film. If you search on the Internet, there are lots of pages about this genre of horror films and why fans like this type of film.

    NASA's last real manned mission to the Moon was Apollo 17 in December 1972. When I was just a toddler, my parents took a trip to Florida and we actually saw the Saturn V rocket for Apollo 17 on the launch pad. NASA did have plans for Apollo, 18, 19, and 20 lunar missions, but they were cancelled mainly due to budget considerations. This is not uncommon. Space exploration is very risky and expensive, especially manned space exploration. Politics has a great deal of influence over funding for NASA and other government agencies that support scientific research. NASA missions and other large, scientific endeavors such as the Superconducting Super Collider that was supposed to be built in Texas, can get cancelled if they run too much over budget or if Congress and the White House decide these projects are no longer a national priority.

