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Last Post 3/23/2012 6:25 AM by  Terry Kucera
incoming raiation from the sun
 1 Replies
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3/22/2012 10:03 AM
    My name is Christian. My question is; can incoming radiation from the sun damage the earth in any way?
    Tags: Solar radiation

    Terry Kucera

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    3/23/2012 6:25 AM

    Hi Christian,

    Solar activity can affect the Earth, especially Earth's magnetic field and upper atmosphere. I would not say it damages them, though. Those interactions have been going on a long time.

    Extreme radiation associated with solar activity can damage human technology, for instance it can harm spacecraft (see http://www.usnews.com/new...-satellites-offline) for instance. Interactions of the magnetic fields of solar ejections (CMEs) with Earth's magnetic field which can ultimately, in some cases, damage equipment used in electrical power distribution. Here is a web page which describes these and other effects: http://www.windows2univer...ro/sw_affect_us.html

