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Last Post 3/26/2011 9:21 AM by  Kris Sigsbee
living on another planet
 1 Replies
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3/25/2011 9:34 AM

    Paula S

    If you had a chance to live on another planet in the solar system, which one would you like to be on?

    Kris Sigsbee

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    3/26/2011 9:21 AM

    Hi Paula,

    I think it would be great if people could visit some of the other planets in the solar system, but I really wouldn't want to live on any of them. With our current technology, it takes a long time to get to any of the other planets. Most of the unmanned Mars missions have taken 6-11 months to get there, so it would be really hard to get home for Christmas if you lived on Mars. Also, none of the other planets have breathable atmospheres, so it isn't like you can just go there and walk around. You would need special equipment just to leave your spaceship and go out for a stroll to stretch your legs. While I think it would be really cool if people went to Mars in my lifetime, it would be a very dangerous, uncomfortable, and costly trip with the technology we have today, and the astronauts might not ever be able to return home to Earth. That doesn't sound like much fun to me.

