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Last Post 10/21/2010 11:41 AM by  Karin Hauck
 1 Replies
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10/19/2010 10:53 AM

    How many people did it take to organize this website?

    Tags: scientists, website

    Karin Hauck

    New Member

    New Member

    10/21/2010 11:41 AM

    Thanks for asking. Many people did and still do put effort into creating and maintaining Solar Week. There would never have been a Solar Week if David Alexander hadn’t had the idea, found the funding, approached the scientists, created the curriculum and games, and put it all online in the original website in 2000.

    In 2003, a web designer named Jim Spadaccini completely revamped the website for us.

    In advance of each round of Solar Week, there is much emailing, coordinating, date-picking, promoting and site updating done by me.

    Solar Week could hardly happen without the invaluable help of Igor Ruderman, our systems administrator, who keeps the site functioning smoothly behind the scenes, and moderates posts for the bulletin board. He also set up this interactive bulletin board and improves it often.

    Out in the real world, there’s a wonderful amateur astronomer/informal educator named Jim Stryder who promotes Solar Week and visits classrooms in his state with a solar telescope so kids can see what it actually looks like.

    And it especially could not happen without the incredible dedication of the scientists, who volunteer time from their busy schedules to drop into this site and answer questions. There have probably been about 50 scientists who have participated in the last ten years, and there are ten or so who answer loads of questions every single time!

    And of course, there wouldn’t be any questions to answer if it weren’t for the creativity and curiosity of the students and teachers who come here. Yay, YOU!
