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Last Post 10/18/2010 12:41 PM by  Paulett Liewer
 1 Replies
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10/18/2010 10:14 AM

    Sammi (r)

    How sure are scietnists about finding other planets around other stars, how do they know their there? thank you

    Tags: exoplanets, Extrasolar planets

    Paulett Liewer

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    10/18/2010 12:41 PM

    Hi Sammi

    Scientist are VERY sure that they have found planets around other stars...to date about 500 extra-solar planets (or exoplanets) have been confirmed. Most of these exoplanet detections are indirect, that is, evidence of the planet comes from its effect on its star. However, for two star-exoplanet system, the planets have been photographed directly! It is very exiting! Wikipedia has a good article on Extrasolar planets.

