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Last Post 10/7/2009 9:15 AM by  Paulett Liewer
life on other planets
 1 Replies
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10/6/2009 8:22 AM

    kristen w (fx)

    do you believe life exists on other planets beyond our solar system?

    Tags: Extrasolar planets

    Paulett Liewer

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    10/7/2009 9:15 AM

    Dear Kristen,

    I, for one, believe life exists on planets around stars beyond our solar system. There is a high probability that life exists on planets around other stars in our own Milky Way galaxy. But the lifeforms may not be intelligent or even close. It might only be like bacteria or plankton or other primitive life forms on Earth.

    Scientists now think the best way to look for life on extra-solar planets is to find planets that might have liquid water...and that's what they are searching for...

