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Last Post 10/5/2009 11:05 AM by  Paulett Liewer
the sun
 1 Replies
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10/5/2009 8:31 AM

    Samantha w (FLL)

    How many stars in our galaxy may be like our o wn sun, and could many of them have planets around them?

    Tags: Extrasolar planets

    Paulett Liewer

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    10/5/2009 11:05 AM

    Dear Smantha,

    I've got a friend who is trying to photograph planets around other stars...Here's his answer to your question:

    <!--StartFragment-->> How many stars in our galaxy may be like our own sun, and could many of them have planets around them?

    Mais oui!

    About a billion, and absolutely yes.

    Seen one star, seem 'em all. I.e., if our fairly typical middle-of-the-range star is like this, I imagine
    that other similar stars aren't likely to be all that different. But of course the planets may all have completely different sizes and arranged
    in different orbits.
