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Last Post 10/7/2009 12:02 PM by  Sabine Frey
job and family
 2 Replies
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10/7/2009 6:29 AM

    Carly S

    How often does your job interfer with family life, like schedules, and so on, if so, how do you adjust for this?

    Kris Sigsbee

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    10/7/2009 11:10 AM

    Hi Carly,

    There certainly are times when I feel like I am so busy at work that I am not able to spend as much time with family and friends as I would like. I think that you will find that happens no matter what kind of job someone has. However, I am incredibly lucky that my schedule is flexible. It doesn't usually matter if I work during "regular" 9 to 5 business hours, in the evening, or on the weekends. I can even work from home sometimes. What really matters is that I get my work done and that I put in at least 40 hours of work each week. This helps me take care of everyday errands and sometimes it helps me make time to spend with friends and family. My employer also provides me with paid vacation that I can use to visit relatives who are out of state during Christmas. If I get the flu, I also have sick leave so I can stay home and rest. Even though my schedule is flexible, sometimes I do have to put in a lot of extra time to meet deadlines. This is something that can happen to anyone, not just scientists. Usually, I know when deadlines will be pretty far in advance, so I can plan ahead.


    Sabine Frey

    New Member

    New Member

    10/7/2009 12:02 PM

    Hi Carly,

    It varies, depends on the job you take, and you set your priorities.

    Having three kids I 've always chosen jobs that provide a lot of
    flexibility in work hours.

    With that you can then set your priority whether a family event is more
    important than a

    conference, for instance. However, there will be conflicts and
    sacrifices with any profession.
