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Last Post 2/28/2005 5:27 PM by  Terry Kucera
 1 Replies
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Patrick Ebel

New Member

New Member

2/28/2005 12:08 PM

    Lorian S. & Ciera M. (Bookcliff)

    What is the color of most of the stars in the universe?[8-)]

    Terry Kucera

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    2/28/2005 5:27 PM
    Hi! We think that most stars are actually smaller than the Sun, so that would tend to make them reddish (smaller middle aged stars are cooler and because of that are red - as stars get hotter they get yellow then white, and then blue for the hottest stars). The reason you don't see so many red stars when you look up is because small red stars tend to be dim too - the less common, bright ones (often white or even blue) are easier to see.
